
The behaviour model simulates the behaviour of a large amount of Atlantic Salmon in a net cage setup. It takes input from the flow model to calculate currents and waves based on tides.

How to simulate

For this tutorial we will be using the Kopl tool from Open Simulation Platform. If you do not have it installed you can download it from here.

We will also be using the Behaviour-flow module. If you do not have it installed, download the zip file and extract it.

Note that this zip needs to be installed directly on C: in order to maintain path dependencies.
  • Start the kopl tool, by double clicking on the Kopl executble.
  • Choose a location for the workspace (working folder) or press Ok to use the default workspace.
  • Right click in the navigator pane and click new, click CoSimulation task and give it a name ie. BehaviourSimulation
  • Right click the new task and select new->Configuration
  • Give it a descriptive name ie. SalmonProduction
  • For the file, click the browse icon to the far right. Select a tutorial xml that most closely relates to the experiment you want to simulate. The tutorials are located in the configuration folder under the behaviour folder you downloaded with the Behaviour-flow module.
  • For our example we will select the NetCageProduction.xml
  • Click Finish
  • Double click on the configuration (For our example SalmonProduction)
  • Start time is set to 0 and step size to 1.0 which is correct, set duration to how long you want to simulate (in seconds)
  • Double click on fmuFish or fmuFluid under Setup, you will get an overview of the parameters for the different models.
  • Modify variables to suit your experiment.
  • To simulate, right click the configuration (SalmonProduction) and select Simulation.
  • A results folder is now available under the configuration.
  • Select the fmuFIsh or fmuFluid folder and double click on the parameter you want to plot.


  • Basic Kopl
    A basic turorial on downloading and running Kopl for the first time.
  • Basic Loading of Configurations
    A basic tutorial describing the download and loading of predefined configurations in Kopl.
  • Behavior introduction
    An introduction to the behavior and flow model with atlantic salmon in an open sea cage as example.


